
Prevention of Car Door Hacking: Mechanical and Electronic Techniques

1. Introduction

In today’s era, it is undeniable that cars have “evolved” from being simple modes of transportation into elements more closely connected with individuals’ lives. Cars that originally intended solely for travel, have transformed into a second home, a mobile office, and even a safe deposit box for storing sensitive documents and valuable items such as gadgets. The change in user perspective towards cars is warmly welcomed by car manufacturers who continually strive to make their cars more user-friendly, such as by introducing conveniences like easy engine ignition and door opening through keyless technology.

However, cultural shifts in car use and the arrival of new technologies indirectly give rise to unique risks associated with the theft of valuable items inside the car or even the car itself. Quoting from Motor Illustrated, it is reported that incidents of automotive hacking between 2018 and 2019 experienced a significant increase of 138% in the United States.

In this article, we will discuss common steps related to automotive hacking that specifically focus on “car door hacking”, and of course the corresponding preventive measures that can be taken.

2. Basic Methodology

Car door hacking basically can be categorized into two types, namely:

Mechanical hacking (like lock picking and key duplication) is often used to target the physical components of a car. This method requires skillful manipulation of the car’s lock mechanism. While it’s a more traditional approach, it remains a significant threat due to the mechanical vulnerabilities in many car locks.

Electronic hacking is a kind of hacking technique that involves sophisticated approaches like signal jamming and replay attacks in targeting the car’s wireless communication systems. Tools such as HackRF One and Flipper Zero are often used in these exploits, demonstrating the growing sophistication of electronic car hacking methods.